Sunday, November 6, 2011


The round the world clipper fleet left here yesterday, bound for New Zealand.
I have such mixed feelings, I want to go home and see all those I love, but part of me would have jumped onto one of those clippers in a heartbeat if I could have!
What on earth am I going to do after we get back?
Suggestions please, on the back of a self addressed stamped envelope....LOL


  1. Maybe take a well earned break, trust me you will find plenty to do and plenty of friends who want to do it with you :-)

  2. Hi Mike and Jan,
    great to see you had such a great sail to Gerro! Hope your final leg to HYC is enjoyable and I"m sure it won't be long before you're out on the water again x
    Nicki and Mike
    s.v Zen Again


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