We set out Tuesday 1st Feb (Ground Hog Day!) for the islands of Coronado Del Sur 17 Nm South with the intention of anchoring for the night and carrying on in the morning to Ensenada Mexico to be lifted out for anti fouling and prop speed. We found the anchorage OK and dropped the pick in 25’ of water about 13.30 and had lunch. Round about 17.00 the Santa Ana Wind (Google it) started to have an unexpected effect this far South and blew at a constant 9 Kts. By 20.00 it had picked up to 15-18 Kts and the sea started to chop. By 22.30 it was blowing 25-32 Kts and really choppy seas with white caps all round. We were stuck for the night as we knew there were fish farm nets nearby, still there were 300 yards to the shore and another yacht was between us and it. We let out more chain to help the anchor and re-set the snubber rope. BTW we have 2 x 65 Lb anchors on the bow sprit and one 20 Lb on the stern. Throughout the night we were pounded and got little if any sleep, but the good thing was we were holding fast on the 1 anchor & 200 foot of 3/8 chain. At first light and with the forecast saying no sign of the winds dropping for 24-36 Hrs, yours truly made the decision to “run” for San Diego harbour. Our trusty iron sail powered us forward as Jan pulled up the anchor, once clear it was clear of the surface 2,800 RPM gave us a 6.7 SOG towards San Diego. Only on 3 occasions did I have to head her into the waves and that slowed her to 2.3 SOG so you can see how rough it was. To add to an already exciting trip the USS Ronald Reagan, the biggest aircraft carrier in the World was just about to exit the shipping channel as we approached it and 900 Mtrs and showing on our AIS/Radar was a Nuclear Submarine! To say there were a few helicopters overhead making sure no one got too close is an understatement! Up the long shipping channel we went with our tame Sub keeping 900 Mtrs distance behind us at 6.5 Kts, after 2 miles we needed to head off to Port to the yacht clubs but as we approached our turning point another USS warship was coming down and prevented our turn so we had to slow, thankfully the Sub did the same and we slipped behind the ship into the yacht area.
Safely back in the Silver Gate Yacht club we found that not only had somehow the dingy cover got torn, but we had lost 2 blades from the wind turbine!! So what had we learnt from that? The anchor sure holds a 17 Ton yacht well and Island Packets are very stable boats in a choppy sea.
So once again on Friday 4th (remember Ground Hog day?) we set out directly for Ensenada Mexico without the overnight at the islands. The trip down the channel also involved contact with a Sub, but thankfully this time he was coming in just as we exited the channel.

The run down the coast was uneventful and we made the approach into Ensenada just as the sun was setting. We tied up at the jetty and had a beer. Saturday morning we walked to the Marina offices and introduced ourselves, thankfully they were expecting us and said we will be lifted at 11.00 that day. What about formalities we asked? Nowhere is open till Tuesday, its Independence Day long weekend, so it will all be done then, just carry your papers and passports you will be fine!! We were instructed to put her bow first into the lift, just come on over. When came along side at the lift they then decided they wanted us in stern first! All I can say is swinging a 50 Foot overall yacht thru 180 Degrees in a 60 foot space was interesting, thank goodness for a bow thruster! To make it even more interesting just as we swung thru 90 degrees a power boat decided to push between our bow and the far jetty, we then learnt some Mexican swear words from the crew on shore helping us!! 

So now we are here in Mexico sitting on the hard stand overlooking the water and enjoying the sights colours and sounds that can only be Mexican !!!
Oh the joys of antifouling. We are coming out this weekend to do the same at Island Hbr. IoW. Am hoping Ann is up for some hard graft :-) and the fickle english weather is kind to us. I am going to drop the centreboard to do some repairs to the metal (must be Aluminium from WA ! ) Geoff
ReplyDeleteSounds like interesting times ! but for me it just reinforces my thoughts on that 'orrible wet stuff lol :)
ReplyDeleteHow cool, getting chased in by a sub...that will be some memory! Glad you two are enjoying yourselves xx
ReplyDeleteJust seen the boat pics too. She's looking great, lovely bum!! xx