Saturday, January 1, 2011


Back from Canada in time for New Years Eve in Long Beach - the quality of the photos isn't great as it was midnight (duh) and I had my iphone set on daytime....but it was really pretty watching an hours worth of fireworks going off next to the Queen Mary from the comfort of our stern!

Had a wonderful Christmas time in Canada with my rellies, we stayed with the amazing Gail and Heather (Gail is my 3rd cousin) and their little dog Toshie who won our hearts. Got to see other family on boxing day which was neat. Also neat was spending time with Gary, twin brother of Gail, who has a very very wicked sense of humour and made me giggle like I haven't giggled in years (remind you of anyone you know?)

We are just a couple of days away from leaving for San Diego now, and getting very excited. Unfortunately the weather is absolute crap so we are now awaiting a window which should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday this week. To our kids, Peter and Hanna - should you happen to read this WE MISS YOU! Didn't realise how much until Christmas Day :-( Hope you both did ok without us there. To all of our friends HAPPY NEW YEAR, shalom and may your God go with you.
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  1. Happy new year to you both, hope all is still going well.
    Love and best wishes for the year ahead and all the adventures that will come your way.
    Glen & Frank xoxo

  2. Yes I DO read your blog!! I log onto it every morning when I come into work to see what you have been up to.
    I missed you too on Christmas Day... but we got to Skype which was greeeattt!!!

    Lotsa love Hanna!


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